Head Teacher's Welcome

Welcome to Shears Green Junior School.

We believe that each and every child in our school can become the very best version of themselves on a day to day basis. Through our shared school values of: Kindness, Curiosity, Courage and Honesty, we encourage children to be the very best.

At Shears Green Junior School we believe in equity. No matter what a person’s background or start point is, we have the absolute belief that they can become the very best version of themselves. Through our incredible curriculum, we hope to immerse children in a world of learning where we capture their interests, likes and dislikes to inform our planning. Reading forms the core of all we do. Children are offered reading books matched to their ability in order to help them progress to being a proficient reader. Our incredible library is available to children weekly and families, nightly after school. Visits by authors and story tellers helps engage and generate a love for reading.

Through our incredible pastoral team, we can support children with a wide range of need from anxieties to bereavement. Children can spend time on our converted double decker bus to access groups such as Lego therapy, mindfulness and much more. We believe in the power of animals. At Shears Green we have a dog that is used in a manner of ways from being present at forest school to being used to congratulate somebody for working hard. Further to this, each class has responsibility, on a rota, to look after our five school chickens, two guinea pigs and our four goats. Animals are calming whilst also teaching children about responsibilities.

The SEN department supports children with a wide range of need – we believe in ensuring children have an inclusive curriculum offer, what ever their need may be. Through a wide range of experience staff, we are able to support children with additional need through a wider range of good quality intervention.

At Shears Green Junior School, we are proud of the caring, empathetic and inclusive school we are. I invite you to come and look around the school to experience it for yourself.